Döderlein cytolysis

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Döderlein cytolisys - Orvos válaszol - WEBBeteg. Döderlein cytolisys. Kedves Doktor Úr/Nő! Kislányom 16 éves, kb. 1 éve egy antibiotikum kúra után kezdődött nála egy hüvelyi viszketés, folyás.Nőgyógyászunk gomba ellenes kúpot, majd egy hüvelykúpot és Tamtum Verde hüvelyöblítőt ajánlott neki, de a panaszok nem szüntek meg teljesen.. Hüvelyfertőzés | Nőgyógyászat Portál. Cytolytikus vaginosis (CV), vagy Döderlein cytolysis: Kevéssé ismert megbetegedés a cytolytikus vaginosis (cytolytic vaginosis), vagy más néven a Döderlein cytolysis (eredeti megnevezése Doderleins cytolysis). Alapfeltétele a normális hüvelyflóra.. Ez mit jelent a leletemben? Kórokozók: döderlein? - Gyakori kérdések. "Kevéssé ismert megbetegedés a cytolytikus vaginosis (cytolytic vaginosis), vagy más néven a Döderlein cytolysis (eredeti megnevezése Doderleins cytolysis). Alapfeltétele a normális hüvelyflóra.. Hüvelyfertőzés - Claritas Alapítvány honlapja. Cytolytikus vaginosis, vagy Döderlein cytolysis: Kevéssé ismert megbetegedés a cytolytikus vaginosis (cytolytic vaginosis), vagy más néven a Döderlein cytolysis (eredeti megnevezése Doderleins cytolysis). Alapfeltétele a normális hüvelyflóra.. Mit tudhatunk meg a hüvelyváladék kenetvizsgálat értékeléséből?. Láthatóvá válik a hüvelyváladék mikrobiológiai összetétele. Az alábbi kérdésekre kapunk választ: Döderlein flóra: van, vagy nincs. Döderlein cytolysis: van, vagy nincs

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. Dysbacteriosis (vegyes/kevert baktérium flóra): van, vagy nincs. Gomba (elsősorban Candida): van, vagy nincs. inaktív formában áll fent a fertőzés.. Gyógyszerész válaszol - Protexin. Döderlein cytolysis lett a diagnózisom, de a nőgyógyász nem igazán javasolt semmit, kettő is látott, az egyik a hüvelyflóra helyreállító kúpot heti 2-szer említette leginkább szexuális együttlét után stb, a másik erre nem igazán mondott semmit, max.. Döderlein cytolysis, vérkép :: Dr. Petróczi István - InforMed. A citolizis (=sejtszétesés) is meg fog szűnni. Járvány után majd csináltasson egy kontroll tenyésztéses kivizsgálást. Üdvözlettel: dr. Petróczi István 2020-03-30 17:07:17 | folyás, gomba, citolízis Hirdetés Hirdetés Hirdetés Hirdetés Döderlein cytolysis, vérkép - Dr. Petróczi István - folyás, gomba, citolízis - informed.hu

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. Kontakt vérzés - Orvos válaszol - WEBBeteg. Fél éve volt már ilyen problémám, akkor a probléma okát gombás hüvelygyulladás néven nevezték meg, de a kórlapra ez is rá volt írva: döderlein cytolysis és bővebb fluor. Szintén a kórlapon szerepelt ez a kifejezés: 1 mm-es cervikalizáció. Ez mit jelent? Ez a "normális" leletként számontartott jelenséget jelenti, ami a legtöbb nőnél előfordul?. Hüvelygyulladás tünetei és kezelése | Házipatika

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. A hüvely nem passzív szerv, érzékeny mikrobiológiai egyensúly gondoskodik az antimikróbás védelméről, mely nagyrészt a Döderlein-féle tejsavbacilusoknak köszönhető. Ezek a mikrobák a hüvelyhámban ösztrogének hatására képződő keményítőből (glikogénből) tejsavat állítanak elő, miközben hidrogén-peroxidot .

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. Cytolytic vaginosis: A common yet underdiagnosed entity Puri S - Ann .. Cytolytic vaginosis is also known as Lactobacillus overgrowth syndrome or Doderleins cytolysis. It is characterized by an abundant growth of Lactobacilli resulting in lysis of vaginal epithelial cells. Methods: A total of 308 women presented to gynecological outpatient department.. Bakteriális vaginózis - Mamadoki Nőgyógyászati Magánrendelő. A Döderlein-flóra jelentősen csökkent, vagy teljesen hiányzik. Mint fentebb említettük a baktériumok kitenyésztésének nincs diagnosztikai szerepe, mert az anaerob baktériumok irányába történő eltolódásról a szokványos módon vett minta tenyésztése nem ad felvilágosítást.. Pathology Outlines - Lactobacillus. Essential features Lactobacillus spp. is normal vaginal flora that is commonly seen in cervical Pap smears Lactobacilli are blue thick rods usually found on the top of intermediate squamous cells Terminology Also known as Döderlein bacilli or Bacillus vaginalis ICD coding. Kérdés: Mi az a Döderlein-flóra? | Házipatika. Otthon Ezért tilos műanyag edényben mikrózni cukorbetegség A cukorbetegség jelei a bőrön mozgás A leghatásosabb mozgásformák 45 felett A HáziPatika.com szakértőjének válasza: A hüvelyben normálisan is megtalálható többféle baktérium. Ezek közül azonban csak egy valódi szimbiótát ismerünk, a Döderlein-féle tejsavbacilust.. Cytolytic Vaginosis: a Critical Appraisal of a Controversial Condition .. The term Döderleins cytolysis is often cited to an article published in 1894 by German physician A. Döderlein, where he described vaginal lactobacilli for the first time. Until 1991, there is no mention of Döderleins cytolysis in the searchable literature.. PDF Symposium Cytolytic vaginosis: A brief review - Journal of Skin and .. considered cytolytic vaginosis, a better terminology than Doderleins cytolysis as only a few species of lactobacilli are Doderleins bacilli. [3] e name is derived from the characteristic feature "vaginal epithelial cell lysis" that is associated with the condition, which in turn, is produced by the abundant growth of lactobacilli.[3]

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. Cytolytic vaginosis: A review - PMC - National Center for Biotechnology .. Cytolytic vaginosis is also known as lactobacillus overgrowth syndrome or Doderleins cytolysis. It is characterized by abundant growth of Lactobacilli resulting in lysis of vaginal epithelial cells; and therefore, it is called as cytolytic vaginosis. [ 3] Go to: LACTOBACILLI IN THE VAGINA. Citológiai eredmények értékelése - Dr. Bata. P 1 : Ép laphám és hengerhámsejtek. Rosszindulatú folyamatra utaló sejtelváltozás a vizsgált cytológiai anyagban nincs. Teendő: Tünet és panaszmentesség esetén 1 év múlva javasolt középidőben citológiai vizsgálat végzése. P 2 : Gyulladás.. Cytolytic Vaginosis: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment - WebMD. Cytolytic vaginosis, which is sometimes called "lactobacillus overgrowth syndrome" or "Doderleins cytolysis," is thought to happen when too much of a certain type of bacteria grows in your vagina.. PDF Cytolytic Vaginosis: a Critical Appraisal of a Controversial . - Springer. Döderleins cytolysis [4†]. The term Döderleins cytolysis is often cited to an article published in 1894 by German physi-cian A. Döderlein, where he described vaginal lactobacilli for the first time. Until 1991, there is no mention of Döderleins cytolysis in the searchable literature

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. Cibley and Cibley felt. Practical Guide to Diagnosing and Treating Vaginitis - Medscape. One is termed lactobacillosis or Döderlein cytolysis. This entity is characterized by an overgrowth of the commensal lactobacilli (Fig. 8 shows lactobacilli from vaginal fluid of normal patient .. The occurrence of Bacillus vaginalis Döderlein and cytolysis in .. The occurrence of Bacillus vaginalis Döderlein and cytolysis in dysplasia, carcinoma in situ, and invasive carcinoma of the uterine cervix Acta Cytol . 1972 Jan-Feb;16(1):21-5.. Scoping review of cytolytic vaginosis literature | PLOS ONE. Cytolytic vaginosis (CV) is a little-known, controversial condition that is typically not considered for women presenting with vulvovaginitis symptoms. Objective: The objective of this scoping review was to identify and compile the global evidence on CV. Methods

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. Can I Have Symptoms Without a Yeast Infection? | Juno Bio. Sometimes, it really isnt "just another yeast infection". Cytolytic vaginosis (CV), also known as Lactobacillus overgrowth syndrome or Doderleins cytolysis, is a cause of vaginal discomfort caused by the overgrowth of lactobacilli. The result? Yeast infection-like symptoms that dont respond to traditional anti-fungal treatments.. The apparition macrophage and Döderlein bacillus is . - PubMed. Döderleins bacillus are gram-positive bacillus that form a microbiome, reproduce in the female vagina after gaining sexual maturity, secrete lactic acid, and prevent the growth of other vaginitis-causing bacteria. Clue cell are squamous epithelial cells with Gardnerella sp. attached to their cell surface. The presence of clue cell is one of .. Doderleins bacillus Definition and Examples - Biology Online. Doderleins bacillus. Doderleins bacillus is a large, Gram-positive bacterium found in vaginal secretions. It is named after the German obstetrician and gynecologist, Albert Doderlein, who is regarded as one of the founders of gynecological bacteriology. He was the first to describe the vaginal microbe (in 1892) as a long, thick, non-motile .. Vaginosis: Advances in new therapeutic development and . - ScienceDirect. It was first described in 1894 as Doderleins Cytolysis in which the vaginal cells are lysed [87] and was later classified as a rare form of vaginosis in 1991 [87, 88]. The global incidence of CV is reported to be anywhere between 1.8% and 26.7% [ 88 ] though this requires further confirmation through extensive clinical studies.. Doderleins bacilli: what they are and when treatment is needed. Doderleins bacilli, also called lactobacilli, are bacteria that are part of the normal microbiota of the vagina and are responsible for protecting the womans intimate region and preventing the proliferation of microorganisms that can cause diseases when they are in excess, as is the case with Candida sp. and Gardnerella sp. The disease happens when the amount of lactobacilli decreases .. Cytolytic vaginosis. cytolysis; and the presence of discharge; and a pH between 3.5 and 4.5. Treatment entails use of sodium bicarbonate douches. (AM J OSSTET GVNECOL 1991 ;165:1245-9.) Key words: Vaginosis, vaginitis, Candida, Lactobacillus Cytolytic vagi nos is is a newly coined name for an old ailment, Doderleins cytolysis, which is quite common.. Cytolytic Vaginosis - DoveMed. Cytolytic Vaginosis is a form of bacterial vaginosis that is characterized by the overgrowth of Lactobacillus bacteria and epithelial cell disintegration (lysis) resulting in abnormally large amounts of vaginal discharge in women. In many cases, the condition is misdiagnosed as a yeast infection. The condition may present itchiness, painful sex .. Cytolytic vaginosis - ScienceDirect. Cytolytic vaginosis Leonard J. Cibley, MD, and Laurence J. Cibley, MD Boston, Massachusetts Cytolytic vaginosis, a not uncommon condition, is frequently misdiagnosed because it is confused with Candida. Many practitioners rely on their clinical judgment alone rather than the use of high-quality microscopes and the results of a wet smear.. Pelvic Inflammatory Disease: Possible Catches and Correct Management in .. Last Pap smear (October 2016) reported mild inflammation and Doderleins cytolysis. She had a regular 28-day menstrual cycle. In August 2015, she had been already admitted in another hospital for pelvic pain and she was treated with antibiotic therapy for a suspected pelvic inflammatory disease (PID). In October 2015 she had positive .. Células intermedias y superficiales en frotis vaginal de control con .. Abstract: Cytolytic vaginosis, described 30 years ago as Döderlein cytolysis, is common in women of reproductive age and, due to the characteristics of whitish vaginal discharge and clinical .. Döderleins Vaginal Bacillus: A Contribution to the Study of the. Primary culture of Döderleins bacillus may be readily obtained on lactose blood agar incubated aerobically provided the vaginal flora is of "Grade A" type, but its subsequent propagation on artificial culture media is less likely to be successful. Three morphological types of Döderleins bacillus are recognised.. PDF Vacuolation - Thieme. plasmic scaffold; hence, there is no cytolysis even when estrogen activity is high and the eosinophilia index is also high. (409). Physiological cytolysis affects only the cyto-plasm, not the nucleus (379). It is brought about by Döderlein bacilli, lactobacilli that exist only in the vagina. These bacilli are im-mobile rods of various lengths .. A bakteriális hüvelyfertőzés kezelése | Házipatika. Normális esetben a Lactobacillusok (más néven Döderlein-pálcák) védelmet nyújtanak a fertőzésekkel szemben, savas pH-jú közeget biztosítanak. Ám, ha a hüvely ökológiai egyensúlya valamilyen tényező miatt megváltozik, a tejsavbacilusok száma csökken, így a hüvely pH-ja emelkedni kezd, elszaporodhatnak a gyulladást okozó baktériumok.. Cytolytic vaginosis | Download Scientific Diagram - ResearchGate. Abstract: Cytolytic vaginosis, described 30 years ago as Döderlein cytolysis, is common in women of reproductive age and, due to the characteristics of whitish vaginal discharge and clinical .. Cytolytic vaginosis: A brief review - Journal of Skin and Sexually .. The authors considered cytolytic vaginosis, a better terminology than Doderleins cytolysis as only a few species of lactobacilli are Doderleins bacilli. which he named as Döderleins bacillus in 1892. [12,13] This was later renamed as Lactobacillus. Lactobacilli, derived mainly from the intestinal microbiota, play an important role .. The Pap smear in inflammation and repair - PMC - National Center for .. The sensitivity of the Pap test in diagnosing BV was observed to be 43.1% and specificity was 93.6%. The high specificity makes the Pap smear an adequate diagnostic criteria when it is positive. [ 18] Additional typing of the bacterial flora is possible with the Jones-Marres silver stain.. The cytolytic changes of the vaginal epithelial cells and the .. The cytolysis and with it the posttherapeutie leukorrhea disappear in nearly all cases completely, even if the bacilli recur after the end of the bacteriostatic effect, provided that the estrogenic stimulation is still present. During prolonged estrogenic therapy and after the end of an estrogenic effect the cytolysis may recur.. Using Microscopy in Practice to Diagnose Cytolytic Vaginosis. Imagine a new patient arrives at your clinic for evaluation of vaginitis. Before entering the examination room, you list a few differential diagnoses in your head including bacterial vaginosis, vulvovaginal candidiasis, trichomonas vaginalis, chlamydia, and gonorrhea. You got this. Confidently, you enter the examination room and find a reproductive-age woman sitting on the examination table in .. A hüvely mikrobiológiája - intimflóra.hu. A hüvely mikrobiológiája A normál hüvelyflóra összetevői hormonálisan aktív felnőtt nő esetében: Lactobacillus (Döderlein pálcikák), koaguláz negatív Staphylococcusok, Staphylococcus aureus, Peptostreptococcus, Bacteriodes, Eubacterium, Veillonella, Fusobacterium, aerob Streptococcusok (esetleg Streptococcus pyogenes), Escherichia coli, egyéb gram negatív pálcák, Candida .. The apparition macrophage and Döderlein bacillus is negatively .. Döderleins bacillus are gram-positive bacillus that form a microbiome, reproduce in the female vagina after gaining sexual maturity, secrete lactic acid, and prevent the growth of other vaginitis-causing bacteria. Clue cell are squamous epithelial cells with Gardnerella sp. attached to their cell surface. The presence of clue cell is one of .. A Comparison of Conventional Pap Smear and Liquid-Based Cytology for .. Results: Of the 600 patients, 570 (95%) had good conventional Pap smear (CPS), whereas 30 (5%) had poor ones. Five hundred and ninety-two (98.6%) LBC smears were satisfactory, whereas 8 (1.4%) were unsatisfactory. Endocervical cells were seen in 294 (49%) CPS, whereas 360 (60%) LBC smears showed endocervical cells.. Female Reproductive System | SpringerLink. The female genital tract includes the vulva and vagina, uterus and uterine cervix, fallopian tubes, and ovaries. The most common cytologic specimen encountered is the Papanicolaou (Pap) test for cervical cancer screening, from which ectocervical squamous cells and endocervical glandular cells are obtained, as well as endometrial lining cells on .. Cytolytic Vaginosis Foods To Avoid + Treatment | mindbodygreen. Heres what to do to get rid of it: twice daily baking soda baths 1. Fill your bathtub (or a large bucket) with a small amount of warm water and add two tablespoons of baking soda per liter of water in the tub. Sit in the bath and read a book for at least 30 minutes. The purpose of this treatment is to decrease the acidity of your vagina and .. Mire számíthatok? - Orvos válaszol - WEBBeteg. Figyelem! A válasz nem helyettesíti az orvosi vizsgálatot, diagnózist és terápiát. A válasz 5 évnél régebben keletkezett, így egyes tanácsok napjainkra túlhaladottá válhattak. Dr. Pétervári László Szülész-nőgyógyász. Tőle szeretnék kérdezni. Megválaszolva: 2014. december 11.. Doderlein bacilli: พวกมันคืออะไรและเมื่อต้องการการรักษา. Doderlein bacilli หรือที่เรียกว่า lactobacilli เป็นแบคทีเรียที่เป็นส่วนหนึ่งของ microbiota ปกติของช่องคลอดและมีหน้าที่ในการปกป้องบริเวณที่ใกล้ชิดของผู้หญิงและ .. Caso clínico Vaginosis citolítica: presentación de un caso clínico. Abstract: Cytolytic vaginosis, described 30 years ago as Döderlein cytolysis, is common in women of reproductive age and, due to the characteristics of whitish vaginal discharge and clinical symptoms, is indistinguishable from mycotic vulvovaginitis. We describe the case of a patient with presumptive clinical diagnosis of recurrent .. PDF Cytolytic vaginosis: misdiagnosed as candidal vaginitis - Hindawi. syndrome or Doderleins cytolysis, because the typical disruption of epithelial cells is associated with the digestive activity of lactobacilli4,14. Although an old phenomenon, the exact me-chanisms leading to fragmentation or cytolysis of vaginal epithelia in those women are not known. Abundant lactobacilli covering the fragmented. Szolgáltatásaink - Intiminfekt

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. cytolítikus vaginosis-Döderlein cytolysis; Bőr- és körömfertőzések. Mi utalhat rá? Viszkető, piros foltos, esetleg hólyagos bőrkiütés, csoportos hólyagok a bőrön, fájdalmas hólyagok vagy aphták a szájnyálkahártyán, nyelven vagy szájpadon, fehér folyadékkal telt hólyagok a bőrön elszórtan vagy csoportosan .. Vaginosis citolítica: presentación de un caso clínico - ResearchGate. Abstract: Cytolytic vaginosis, described 30 years ago as Döderlein cytolysis, is common in women of reproductive age and, due to the characteristics of whitish vaginal discharge and clinical .. Nonneoplastic Cervical Cytology - PMC - National Center for .. Abstract. Diagnostic cytology of cervix can be made strong if normal cytology is known thoroughly. Cervical lining comprises three layers of squamous cells, the basal, intermediate, and superficial cells. Knowing the dimensions of these cells, especially the intermediate cells, helps to diagnose the squamous intraepithelial lesions accurately.. Citólisis: qué es, cómo afecta a la célula y enfermedades asociadas. La citólisis es un fenómeno que afecta al funcionamiento de las células y llega a destruirlas. Los seres humanos somos un sistema biológico abierto. Como tal, intercambiamos de forma continua agua, productos de desecho, materia orgánica y nutrientes con el medio que nos rodea

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. Desde el ejercicio más demandante hasta el acto más anodino .. Similar to Thrush Like Symptoms but its actually Cytolytic . - Patient. The key is in the microscopic exam: 1) false clue cells with agglutination of lactobacilli to epithelial cells; 2) few white blood cells; 3) cytolysis of epithelial cells with pale or bare nuclei/cytoplasm and poorly defined cell borders; 4) absence of yeast, trichomonas, bacterial vaginosis, or other organisms.( 1). Caso clínico Vaginosis citolítica: presentación de un caso clínico. Abstract: Cytolytic vaginosis, described 30 years ago as Döderlein cytolysis, is common in women of reproductive age and, due to the characteristics of whitish vaginal discharge and clinical symptoms, is indistinguishable from mycotic vulvovaginitis. We describe the case of a patient with presumptive clinical diagnosis of recurrent .. Normal and abnormal vaginal microbiota - De Gruyter. bacteria (Döderlein 1892). Krönig (1895), a co-worker of Döderleins, was the first to differentiate lactobacilli from anaerobic bacteria and to illustrate the curved rods. The lactobacilli were cultured by Curtis (1913) and were later named Mobiluncus curtisii (Spiegel and Roberts 1984). The name Lactobacillus acidophilus was subsequently .. The Pap (Papanicolaou) Test | Cervical Cancer Screening Test. The pelvic exam is part of a womans routine health care. During a pelvic exam, the doctor looks at and feels the reproductive organs, including the uterus and the ovaries and may do tests for sexually transmitted disease. Pelvic exams may help find other types of cancers and reproductive problems. A Pap test can be done during a pelvic exam .. PDF UNIVERSITY STUDENT HEALTH SERVICES • Fact Sheet. This is accomplished by using baking soda (or sodium bicarbonate) treatments. Avoiding possible triggers may also be helpful. Baking Soda Treatments. Baking soda douche: - Dissolve 1 rounded teaspoon of baking soda in 600 mL of warm water, and douche once daily for 7-14 days. - Alternatively, you can dissolve 1-2 tablespoons of baking soda in 4 .. PDF Consider These Conditions With All Vaginosis Symptoms - ResearchGate

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. trigger the cytolysis of intermediate vaginal epithelial cells, first described in the early 1890s as Doderleins cytoly~is.~*~ In 1991, two researchers determined that this was a. Vaginosis citolítica: presentación de un caso clínico - Academia.edu. Cytolytic vaginosis, described 30 years ago as Doderlein cytolysis, is common in women of reproductive age and, due to the characteristi.. Vaginosis citolítica: una entidad clínica poco conocida - Academia.edu. Abstract: Cytolytic vaginosis, described 30 years ago as Döderlein cytolysis, is common in women of reproductive age and, due to the characteristics of whitish vaginal discharge and clinical symptoms, is indistinguishable from mycotic vulvovaginitis. We describe the case of a patient with presumptive clinical diagnosis of recurrent .. Hormonal cytology | PPT - SlideShare. 2) Marked increase in lactobacilli, resulting in cytolysis of the intermediate cells. The cytolysis results in moth- eaten cell cytoplasm, nuclei stripped of cytoplasm (naked nuclei) in a smear with a background of cytoplasmic debris (dirty type of smear) This appearance of the smear persists until the new cycle begins .. Vaginosis citolítica en pacientes con diagnóstico clínico de .. Abstract: Cytolytic vaginosis, described 30 years ago as Döderlein cytolysis, is common in women of reproductive age and, due to the characteristics of whitish vaginal discharge and clinical symptoms, is indistinguishable from mycotic vulvovaginitis. We describe the case of a patient with presumptive clinical diagnosis of recurrent .. ตรวจมะเร็งปากมดลูก ควรตรวจเมื่อไร ใครคือกลุ่มเสี่ยง. ผู้หญิงที่อยู่ในกลุ่มเสี่ยงควรได้รับการตรวจมะเร็งปากมดลูก โดยสมาคมโรคมะเร็งแห่งสหรัฐอเมริกา ได้แนะนำว่า. เริ่มตรวจคัด .. (PPT) Vaginosis Bacteriana | Diego A Vargas Torres Young - Academia.edu. Abstract: Cytolytic vaginosis, described 30 years ago as Döderlein cytolysis, is common in women of reproductive age and, due to the characteristics of whitish vaginal discharge and clinical symptoms, is indistinguishable from mycotic vulvovaginitis. We describe the case of a patient with presumptive clinical diagnosis of recurrent ..